Foothills Meats Highlighted in Garden & Gun Magazine

Asheville was recently named one of the South's best food towns by Garden & Gun Magazine, and we were thrilled to be featured among their recommended dining spots in our fair city. Garden & Gun featured Foothills' classic Carolina Hot Dog (which you can enjoy at our Food Truck anytime!)

My favorite hot dog ever since my Mama took me to Eckerd Drugs when I was knee high to a grasshopper, so this media is kind of a thrill for me. --Casey McKissick, Owner


Not that long ago, Western North Carolinians generally mocked the stench of ramps and were bashful about their white whiskey, never contemplating that their community staples could create a stir among outsiders. Then eaters elsewhere started to get excited about heirloom beans and sorghum syrup, and Asheville almost overnight went from a culinary also-ran to a respected sanctuary of mountain food traditions. The area’s surviving family farms and an influx of idealistic young farmers made the quick shift possible, buttressed by visionary chefs, food activists, and an economy boosted in part by visitors seeking to sample beers from the town’s booming breweries. Asheville’s bohemian affinity for collectivism and handicraft bound them all, an attitude that has persisted even as the town traded its tempeh avocado melts and peanut butter tofu for trout caviar and washed-rind cheese—chased down, naturally, with an Appalachian apple saison. 

Read the full article at Garden & Gun online or in print.